so much to say, but its midnight, my apartment is really warm, but not in a good way, my back is burned at bitten and i need to sleep soon. i will probably be processing the trip in a few more posts but here are some things i want to comment on
-its got to be really weird to run a bar/place that your friends hang out at or to be paying your tab to your friend's savings account (i know not quite how it works) but after a few more days at el crucero my opinion of the brothers changed, at least for one of them and i think he actually a pretty nice guy, just trying to be a real person in this fucked up land of ex pat meets mexico meets paradise beaches meets owning a buisness land.
-referencing an earlier post abvout alternative lifestyles, even thoufgh hemie is totally living the ex pat life, maybe he also doing a different path, he didn't graduate from high school and has designed an eco friendly almost resort. and while the nights may have started getting old, mainly b/c they weren't my friends and i wasn't going to be around long, damn the beach is hard to give up
-my injuries: over 40 bites just on my back, a sun burn i was quite stupid to get, the most important of all-when i was caught by a fisherman as i sped by in a motor boat. the swelling has gone down, my thumb will live. unlcear if the mark on my face is from the hook or not. that damn stupid rusty red bike, glad my tetnus is up to date. chacos cutting up my toes. but no stomach problems!!!!!!!!
-sailing on the carribean in a catamaran. you know i loved it! got to save up to learn to sail!
-all the birds i saw, roseta spoonbills, almost as cool as flamingos, its all about being pink
-naked sunbathing in the hammock at the reserve
-the only time i get free tequila is with mollie, and a mexi-combo ain't bad at all
-love being around friends i'm totally comfortable with, rock on jenn and mollie
-mid 90s mix in the cab to cancun. rock on tulum taxi man
-how different the ruins of tulum were, and how much looks like an old fort, and how when i would look at a building the 2nd or 3rd time i'd see so much more decoration
-tossing a disc in the fading light of the caribean afternoon on the beach, at el paraiso no less.
-not just vivid, but bad dreams
-silver ring (not the commisioned one) and cheap sunglasses, and my book sacraficed to the vacation gods.
-mole. eggs. going to miss having brunch like breakfasts everyday.
oh and debby found out that someone stole my site name. phooey. but it seems to have wedding pics, so it cant be all that bad to waste time and look at.
bed time. got to face reality tomorrow. probably with a stop at cafe regular for some jugo naranja first though.