Monday, July 28, 2008

today's randomness

lollipop building--the redesign of the faced is ugly. the old facade had character this one just sucks. i am much more disappointed as its the new home of the museum of art and design and they made it have such a stupid design.

kool or not. last may or so on a bad date i put myself on the kool cigarettes mailing list to get a free zippo, that who knows if i even had for a week, although i maybe gave it to my roomie. in any case at least once a month the send me swag, none of which i'm interested in most of which is hip hop artist related. today i got wrapped in a present form coupons for cigs in a mag with intrview with some chicago hip hop dude and mini speakers. like i assume kinda decent mini speakers for an ipod etc. after last month i was pretty sure i asked not to be on their mailing list any more. oof waste of money.

environmentally friendly? can't be bothered to write about the excess packaging that has the word environmentally friendly written on it. the product? maybe, but not in all that excess plastic packaging.

what i want to talk about is how freaking beautiful the red hook industrail waterfront is esp at dusk. love it, makees for an awesome bike ride.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

friggin babies everywhere

as an aised to the first post, i forgot how much i hate the taste of ocean water, bleh.

so yeah i live in park slope land of babies and the stroller wars. but now that i'm approaching 30 (oof i sound so, i don't know what, jaded, manhattanesque, sex and the city, lame) i'm realizing that more and more of those parents are my age if not younger. sometimes it makes me feel old, sometimes it makes me feel young, sometimes it makes me feel out of touch. ran into someone i used to know/hang out with a bit who got married either a year or two ago and his wife today. she is due in a week and is huge. and its crazy to me that he is about to be a father. they even had the car seat which they had just gotten installed. craziness to me.

went in the water at coney island

for me at least. marathon didn't think it counted.
the wind was crazy with the sand. the fabric i had laid out was totally covered by the time i came back like 15 minutes later.
still don't fully have my voice or have the tickle in the back of my throat gone.
much need to clean today.
went to a party of an old coworker last night, she currently works with a former good friend who i haven't spoken to at all, it was weird that all her peeps knew so much more about her than me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

we'rem all a little bit racist/kosher wine

had a'great' interaction with a parent this morning where i was essentially called a racist. loved it. followed up upon a an ever great situation i had to deal with figuring out some bullying. yesterday. but i don't have the kid again next week so should be fine.

so we all know i'm done with kosher wine, but going to dinner tonight where i need to bring it. i am equally annoyed when i walk into a wine store and it is in a seperate section-can't it just be wine as i am when i walk into a wine store and its all mixed up and therefore harder to find.
i just can't be pleased.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

cup cake cakes

have you seen these?
instead of a layer of cake, there are several cupcakes placed next to each other, but then they all get iced together, often it seems in my one bakery sighting of them, formed into shapes and suck.
kinda brilliant. kinda stupid.
i'm going to go with brilliant but maybe a little late for the game of the cupcake craze


so i can be really finicky when i need something to read. i finished my last book lasst week (i guess) and have been having long subway rides with nothing to read and it driving me insane. but partly nothing that i haven't read looked so good on my shelf. so last night i had some time to kill before dinner and went to borders. i had nothing in mind and browseing can be overwhelming. but i ended up with choke by chuck palunichuk or however its spelled. its pretty good. certainly an easy read. i didn't read fight club (i did eventually see the movie) but a couple of people i knew read it before i saw the movie and i heard them discussing it which ended up giving away some of the plot for me. all that being said is i think he's a pretty decent writer and maybe i'll pick up more stuff. but also get the feeling that all of his stuff might be too similar for my tastes-i get sick of authors easily.

had some quasi bullying at camp and a kid who was being a prick and a young kid who wanted to be friends with the old kids but they were dissing him. it was sad-esp when he left crying. oy.

after work went and layed in central park-so friggin nice that means summer to me, not this spending all my nights in my apt (voluntarily-i mean i could go to sleep now...)

Monday, July 21, 2008

thought i was rolling in cash til i realized a check didn't clear

got locked out of my online bank account for not providing the correct answer to the security questions except i know it was the correct answer. some of the questions they offer are super random, and totally don't apply to all-like prom date's first name. other's like favorite cereal... that so totally depends and changes...but the person i spoke to in texas to help get me back in was super friendly and we chatted about our weekends and how she's planning a surprise party in janurary somewhere not in texas.

in other news i'm sick and that sucks. it especially sucks trying to corral 26 9 year olds when you have lost your voice. doh.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

got my rear light stolen at the rockaways-boo hoo ft tilden

why does it take itunes so long to bill me?

except that ft tilden was pretty gorgeous. the ride over the bridge there was tough for me with all the wind, but i made it. the ride back was much easier, although flatbush and ave u weren't so much fun with no bike lane and no rear light for either of us. marathon did ok with my slow pace, but did ask me to pick it up several times.
riding through sheepsehead bay next to the water was a crazy experience-like can you believe we are still in brooklyn. i am always shocked by the diversity of ethnicities living in close proximity or intermixed--although i am sadly skeptical about their having any actual interactions, let along positive ones.

one camp done.
one cold upon me--oof (which doesn't mean anything other than an onomonpeia kinda expression) hope i don't get more sick during this week. cause i have another and than boston to go.

finally decided what i am doing for my 30th b'day. which is feeling big and not so big at the same time. barbq in marathon's backyard. chill but fun.
doubting that marathon is coming to the burgh with me for nursery school boy's wedding which makes me sad.

got corn from the csa yesterday. small but super yum.
brunch at melt today. super yum

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

i love dusk, and being near water, and when the moon looks awesome

but this time it wasn't coney island captivating me, but the red hook waterfront. ir ode dopwn to see the park ikea built around its parking lot. in some ways its pretty awesome, and in some ways it sucks. they kept all these remnants o the space's dry dock days and then put up all this interpretive signage about the working pier and what happens to a ship in dry dock. except it was the last working dry dock in nyc and is something that this region needs. and while red hook needs parks, it maybe needs jobs more than this particular area needed a park. esp since a couple piers on the other side were converted to parks (full of white people only and a serious number of hasids)

i'm too lazy to write more so i copy an email i just sent
i stuck to the water as much as i could. went out onto the kayak pier
launch, found steve's key lime pies, fvoudn the cruise ship terminal
but got yelled at when i rode through the gate that i wasn't allowed
for this ship which i had to laugh was called the peace boat and
spewing out black fumes, i saw the cranes loading stuff and at the
begining of the ride the hamilton ave bridge was up.
and the moon was gorgeous and the water looked great.
in some ways i wished you were there b/c you would have liked it, but
i also love doing that kind of exploring on my own and discovering abd
being with beautiful nature and old school industrial architecture on
my own.
i need to tighten my handle bars and adjust my seat down a bit. and
the grip is sliding off one of my handle bars.
also why do i always get so dirty when i ride?
i bought a sugar watermelon but am not sure how best to cut into it-i
don't feel i have the proper knife for the job, but if its good that;s
all i want for dinner.

1/5 done with the days at the musuem

Monday, July 14, 2008

one day down 14 to go

camp went fine today, not so tiring or stressful. we'll see how the rest of the days go though....
the coordinator is totally burned out. she needs a vacation.
the second math book is a lot harder than the first, or maybe its just more tedious and more stuff i would totally do with a calculator now. oh well. plugging along.
reading when a crocodile eats the sun-very timely. but its weird how many memoirs i've read of kids who discover their parents jewish roots. ok i can only really think of one other but i feel like there is more.
rode my bike to coney island for the first weekend trip of the summer. nice bike ride along the water except for all the damn head wind. marathon says you get it in both directions oof. hoping to ride to the rockaways this weekend.
saw the wackness. i recommend it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

court shoes and a new racket

so i played this morning (at 6:40am can you believe it) with court shoes for the first time ever. i will eb having some blisters as my feet get used to them, but they do feel more secure than the running shoes i've been using, and they aren't totally ugly so my vanity is ok. my dad gave me his old racket, which i took mainly b/c it has a bag making transport by bike much easier. but its crazy how much lighter it is than my old racket and his new racket is even lighter-craziness. was also kinda surprised how matched i was with chichi. his serve is wayyyy better than mine but in terms of hitting we were pretty on par which was a pleasant surprise. the lessons this spring helped, i'm definately better than i used to be...

ok must fight urge to go back to bed....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

not doing well

i need to take advantage of summer and stop hiding in my apt. and i need to get a new special friend or maybe call my old one and hike up to the upper east side, but that sounds so painfully awkward and also like a pain in the ass.
my mom commented on how many friends i have this weekend, she measured it by the number of weddings i go to. but really, espcialy when i feel like this, it doesn't feel like i have all that many. certainly not here and to hang out with.

coming back from the coop was suppresing crying. kinda felt like it for no reason, kinda had a reason. ooof where does all the time go. i know old special friend-reasonable expectations of what i can accomplish and what i should count as doing things.

i feel like i'm back in a long distance relationship at least when i was with him (forget his nickname on this) we got to talk every night or most nights that's not seeming the case with marathon. i want to tell him to quit this job and take the other job he was offered with people he really likes because i have this feeling that the hours would be more decent, but i don't actually have any reason to believe that, its just a hope. and i know this is what the industry is like and he likes working in the industry even if he doesn't like the hours and i should be supportive, but its taking away my relationship and there is no end in sight b/c when this job ends-likely in march he'll just be trying to hustle another one to start right away. and he gave me fair warning it would be like this but i still hate it. and it doesn't mix well with the convo that i had with my mom the other day.


hung out with possible new friend today. had coffee and went for a walk. showed her a store to get a wedding dress maybe. i'll feel cool if she gets on from there.
so much to do, so little time, so much procrastination that will get in the way first.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


went up to breakneck ridge with marathon, his brother and my friend on sunday, it was a lovely hike. i wonder if we should have gone somewhere new, having had access to a car, but the idea of waiting in traffic coming back over the gw was unappealing and we got a late start. i always love the breakneck hike and haven't done it in a while. we saw so many more animals than i usually see, i don't know if more were out or the people i was with are just good at spotting em (i'm bad): 2 frogs a lizard, a snake, multiple grasshoppers, cool beetles a wasp drag a grasshopper dig a hole big enough for it and drop it inside-which took very little time, and maybe some other stuff

in the burgh for 48hours now. played tennis yesterday and today-woo hoo
now playing travel agent for my mom. woo hoo

Saturday, July 05, 2008

are paper and pencil thank you notes a thing of the past

i was raised to always send a thankyou note. even if i called a note was supposed to be sent at well.
so what about now in the electronic age. tuesday i had an awesome informational meeting with a museum about my school doing some programs with them. i felt it thank you note worthy. so i wrote one up and likely didn't mail it til thurs. but even if i had put it in the mail on tues it likely would not have gotten there til thursday. i got home later and and an email, thank you note from them/ now what am i supposed to do as email and letter seem over kill, but was it rude that i didn't respond to the email even though i did send a note it will just take more time to get there....
ooof tact, being polite, i'm so bad at these things, but see i do try...

Friday, July 04, 2008

i said the dreaded words out loud, but maybe i feel better for it

cant bring myself to write them.
but i am planning on going to the gym for the first time in ages in a few minutes.
and was able to do some minor cleaning of my room. i hate the look that marathon gives me when i'm crying, i understand it, but i hate it.

didn't meet up with possible new friend yesterday but did have evening plans for the first time in ages. went for a drink--2 when was the last time that happened? with grad school friend and met her new woman, who i like and feel like i've met before. some of her quirks crack the shit out of me.

how do you recycle keys/what are you supposed to do with keys you definitely don't need anymore?

Thursday, July 03, 2008

i;m going to blame the heat

i could blame it on waiting for the plummer but i really only called them an hour ago.
dehydration is definitely a part of it. so much for my working on it.
i totally need to get on that new speciall friend thing, cause this isn't cool.

but went for the longest bike ride of my life yesterday 21 miles with two stops, including ice cream at the brooklyn ice cream factory. have i mentioned how sad it is that marathon can't eat ice cream. later i rode to the library and then later to marathon's through the park at night which is awesome, but not as awesome as during the evening when all the fireflies are out like when i rode home from the library.
considering registering for the 35 mile version of the century ride, but it starts early and far away.

oof got to go and maybe meetup with a maybe new friend. more liekly on both those accounts if i wasn't being so oofy...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

is it bad if find to do list needed to be added to your todo list

i could even cross a couple things off, sort of.
went to a time's up bicycle maintenance workshop and sort of learned how to fix a flat, except it was demo and not hands on. one guy was really knowledgeable and cool. i should go back to learn how to adjust my brakes, but will be out of town for that next week. in august i guess.

i don't want to cry anymore

but taking my bike through the double doors still isn't a pleasant experience. and i still need to figure out how to do it with a little less risk of getting dirty in the process.
have an official feeling unofficial meeting today, more so just one that is like, hey you are an adult remember. hmmm
other stuff to say but is it interesting? and its early.
one thing for sure i haven't been to coney island enough this summer. and today is a toss up between going to coney island after tutoring or going to a time's up bike repair class at abc no rio. since i don't know how to fix a flat i guess i should go there...