Sunday, February 27, 2011

facebook status updates i could write now if i used it like twitter

yummy brunch at dumbo general store, want to throw darts there, powerhouse was awesome as always-so many art books i want

could someone tell my neighbors its time to take down the xmas decorations, way past indeed and also time to take down the valentines ones as well

saw multiple people get iced coffee drinks at brunch-we must really have spring fever

Saturday, February 26, 2011

another saturday night at home

i want to go out. but have no plans. waiting for marathon to come home from his video game binge. and i sit here refreshing facebook woo hoo.

went to rally for planned parenthood in foley square today.

my coop squad leader is retiring. i don't think this is a bad or sad thing. although the new guy doesn't let me sign my name in the book, he comes over and signs for me in front of me.

end of vacation week. nothing to show for it. but made it out of the house everyday. and i think on at least one day i did more than 1 thing.

could/should comment on interviewing the audience.

or babies, and their cuteness and also have no idea what to say to them.

i need to get rid of some books.

Friday, February 25, 2011

i keep pissing off my father-oops.

i really need to stop doing that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

can you tell i'm on vacation and don't know what to do with myself

but the everyday, nothing to say posts.
it looks sunny out.
told my manfriend i'd make pasta sauce.

our kitchen radio has this weird tick of sometimes turning itself on or off and having odd volume control issues. not that i actually like the leanoard lopate show, but it was ok having back ground music. now that's gone.

pleased with my slippers except about how dirty they will get if i actually wear them.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

what the fuck is going on in teh world

literally and figuratively.
literally-i am not as informed, even from just teh average mainstream media as i should be on what is happening in the arab world and also in terms of unions and what not in the us.
and figuratively, add on to that the earthquake, and maybe sometimes the 2012 end of the world foolishness doesn't always seem so foolish. and yet i do no activism, and my life is not altered at all. maybe all this distopian literature coming out now is well timed?

and on a fluffy note. made much better felt slipper tonight.

finished the hunger games triology

will not be going to gym this am, hopefully this afternoon. hope to pay some bills as well today.
need a new book.
going to lunch in williamsburg so i can check out a yarn store, to find that they do not open til 4 today. arg. also they are closed on fridays. what kind of place is this. although different places on the website say different times.
showered, that's a start.

Monday, February 21, 2011

time to get a move on

still in pjs.
promised to go to farmer's market.
wonder if i should bite the bullet and get an unlimited.
have some bills to pay.
can i be out of here in 15 minutes?

the quick recap

personally, ditched the padded bra and was comfy.
my hair looked like (at least at the end) like i wish my hair always looked, but required, more time, effort and product than i ususally have or am willing to put in
lovely ceremony, dancing, location and yummy food.
was asked to put together the chuppah 30 minutes/maybe 40 before the ceremony. i've never done that before, would have been horrible if two people working at the venue hadn't come over to help out. even so it sagged a bit during the ceremony. i take no responsibility for that. also at one point the bride comes over and says, your still doing that we need you to sign the ketubah asap. well then don't ask me to put it together last minute.
she looked lovely.
i like as asshole volunteered to get the chuppah poles back to their apt. why do i do these things?

Sunday, February 20, 2011


so a few months ago, due to my own stupidity i lost my favorite necklace on an airplane. i totally forgot about that until right now when it would be the perfect thing to put on with my outfit and i don't have it. now i have no good necklace (i know boo hoo) b;c i'm not sure if i should wear my pearls (again boo hoo) bc they look like they have started to yellow.
i'm sad i was such an idiot about that necklace. i walked around in shock for a while as i realized that it was gone and filed a report, and put an ad on CL but nothing. arg.

and i hvae no decent makeup or way of putting it on, ie lip pencil totally dull and no shrpener. why can't i be bothered to care about these things, but then at times i do care, proving my not caring is just another way to make myself feel bad about myself.

i am going to be wearing this strapless and padded bra for a long time today, it will either meld with me or soon be quite uncomfortable.

but congrats and mazal tovs to the steinstines on their happy day

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

in between phone interviewers

people must hate being interviewed by me it's hard for me to be warm.
maybe that's as issue for my special friend-interesting session today.

I AM IN LOVE with NEEDLE felting. when will i be able to get wool? i want to make stuff now!!!!! made my first baby gift for EHT, its kinda unusable but i needed to make it and i like it, and now they will just have to get it in the mail. they ca give it to polly as a toy if they need.

contracts come out this week. wonder what my number will be. i should have asked for more money before. scared to now. they have to be back in less than 2 weeks.

this next person has an awesome application and great references. i almost don't want to bother with interview. but that's mainly b/c i'm tired of talking.

i think people who have their work email forwarded to their personal email are idiots. even though i always have both of mine open. how can there be any seperation otherwise?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

the naples wrap up-no commentary edition

raining on friday.
finished hunger games.
read most of brooklyn (with 30 pages or so left i skipped to the end and didn't go back and read em)
saw the illusionist-charming.
went to a cool nature preserve-saw a bunch of ibis's and other cool birds.
saw lord of the dance. oh my. prescision dancing but super cheesy
walk on the beach.
at airport early for a delayed flight.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

my dad sounds old

granted i called at 10pm, but still. it's kinda scary. and maybe time for me to stop being a 17 year old and step up to being a 32 year old with getting older parents. but also-they aren't that old.

made felt slippers, but they are too small. on one hand it's super sad, b/c the likelyhood of me making new ones is small. on the other hand, totally cool that i know how to make them now.

today was not an i love my job day. although during math class it was awesome to look around and see all the kids working together and enjoying stuff.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

oh yeah, i made felt

hoping in the second class that i will make slippers through wet felting. it's not so hard, and pretty cool, although a little time consuming. 3 more sessions of class.

bridal shower today

headache. i knew it was coming, why don't i take some simple steps to try and stop it or make it not as bad?

jonathan schwartz, i like your music, its just your voice.

artists i'd like to see: sharon jones, toshi reagon

Friday, February 04, 2011

well i found the id

and i got my fingers scanned as a time sign in and sign out

no shabbat dinner plans.
marathon joined the gym. he spends 3 hours there at a time.
i took a 3 hour nap today.

went to visit 2 other private schools to see what they do with technology. the one went to today was in a gorgeous old mansion. damn.