Monday, January 21, 2008

you know you are one of the oldest people in the room when

baby got back comes on and the youngest ones just stand there like they've never it heard it before. and even older when they are completely dumbfounded by ice ice baby.

identified that i've hit the mid-winter blue,s but am trying to do something about it. and recognizing it is helpful. seriously i hate this lack of sunlight/daylight shit. i was ready to go to bed at 6:30. marathon is in la for the next week and a half and then i go to fl for mickey's bachlorette bash. hopefully my waist line won't have increased anymore by then.

did freelance visitor survey work at bbg today, and was freezing inside. as i say roobis to the rescue.

thought i had more to say but not really,

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

good interview this morning

I WAS pumped. hopefully i get the lead instructor position. i will certainly get the assistant position.
i am still confused as to who is the narrator(s) in my book and am missing more due to my lack of spanish. and even though it isn't directly related its wanting me to read the book about the cia and united fruit in central america--bitter fruit is the one i'm thinking about.
looks like marathon is going to be working on a movie about biggie smalls.
i should be writing report cards, as that is why i'm not at the chuck close movie and i want to go down to coney island since it is warmer than hell today. btu these must be in. arg.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

nothing prettier than looking through bare branches to the sky at dusk

i feel so much better that i went to coney island and was able to see the last sunset of 2007 and made it back down to see the even more gorgeous sunset today. some shops of the boardwalk were open. got a lousy hot chocolate, but hot chocolate no less.

finally finished with my work for grad school. i'm banking on passing both my papers. my dad is now on my ass to get a new job with a pension plan.

someone asked marathon and i last night how we met and i said craigslist (he answered my ad). voroan was standing there and comment on how i was one of the boldest and (fuck i can't remember what he said maybe adventurous) people he knew. there is nothing so bold about online dating these days.

finally finished reading a home at the end of the world. it was ok. maybe a little dates and slow going. and the connection that that characters were supposed to have i never really got, it felt like they were fooling themselves (which they also sometimes thought, but for different reasons). started the brief and wondrous life of oscar wau-a much faster read even though my lack of spanish is making me miss some (i think i get the jist 80% of the time or so) i can't figure out who the narrator is though, and i think there might be 2