Sunday, October 30, 2011

stay here grad school friend

don't fly back.
cold. blhe bleh and more bleh.
serious doubts about my ability to raise a child last night. good thing no plans for that anytime soon. or later.
no good, certainly not cute coat for this weather. took a car service to drop off laundry and to pharmacy. but walked home and will bike to coop shift. hope nausea goes away soon.
also- apt is unevenly heated in terms of times of day heat is on....
two social events this week--big deal for us. one doesn't even really start til 10--yikes. do you know my bed time?

Monday, October 24, 2011

freelance work

i have this small project. for not much money. $20 an hour (its a subcontracted project) getting the experience = good. the data entry = fine. writing up my notes on a focus group that i thought kinda sucked and figuring out how to be objective and descriptive and also actually read my notes which don't make any sense = sucks. also i need to finish this part of the project before i go to bed. bleh.

bid on another project that part of me thinks i should give to my mom since she's bored. also not sure i am qualified. he upped the amount of work, so i upped my quote. but am not sure if i am doing it for to little. have no idea what the going rate for this kinda stuff is and charging my tutoring rate seems crazy too much. wish i had a better idea of going rate.

tutored a first grader in math today, in a sweet house on a sweet block in bay ridge. but i also worked a full day, have not had dinner and don't want to do this freelance thing....

corn maze, occupy judiasm

not great that it took alll day but the corn maze at queens county farm museum pretty darn cool.

what is occupy judiasm. in my current understanding it has no place at occupy wall street and appears to be a coop the movement thing.

monday morning.

coworkers husband is dying. yikes. how to help.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

cold coffee

i have generally lost my taste for iced coffee.
and i only like marathon's coffee when it warm. awesome that he makes it for me. but when he wakes up so much earlier than me it cold by the time i get to it....not so tasty.

Friday, October 21, 2011

got one errand done today

love media mail. cheaper and not so much longer...
well i got 2 done, but had many more on list.
can't find the broom and dustpan at the moment, so that is also putting a damper on my ability to do some spot cleaning.
no card made for marathon's b'day tomorrow. also have odd freelance gig hours tomorrow as a follow up to yesterday.
did not do any simchat torah this year, and barely shook a lulav.
but i did go to brooklyn musuem which is now open late on thursdays before my lava class yesterday. there was a vocalist jazz concert which i only caught one song of. there is a lot of jazz out there i don;t like, but this was awesome. somi. looks like has a concert dec 1st in jamaica queens. i wanna go.
hmm what time did i put that crisp in? why isn't it looking cooked?
late chag lunch, should have gone to dumbo gallery i want to go to to see embroidery exhibit. its only open weekdays. hopefully fri afternoon i'll get there.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

ha ha ha running late

who is surprised, and so i blog.
but i went to the doc today and that was the least empowering experience i have ever had. i am calling it dishenfranchising, even if that only deals with voting.
but if her reaction to my 15 second description, before listening to chest is to be believed i am fine, not contagious and will stop coughing in two weeks. she gave me an inhaler which i can take twice a day and boom will stop coughing in two weeks.
so quick, so annoying, so not personable.
and now i should have left house 10 minutes ago to get to freelance gig, but i am here typing. ooof.
more to say? sort of. but no time.

Monday, October 17, 2011

really hope i didn't get ezt sick

'cause i still am. doc on thurs. have issues with it. but oh well.
nice to be away and have some vacay time a little sad about the weather. but oh well. and a little too many babies and social time at the end. but so nice to see the kids and ezt and hoya. felt very easy.
and marathon got a metallica record for $50
had my first hot chocolate of the season.
good field trip today
was dissapointed that the independent book store didn't have books i wanted. found some others.
having keyboard and mouse issues. way out of warranty.
heard man in white sharkskin suit author read tonight. interesting point about jewish refugees from arab lands. made me want to read book more than i did before her reading--guess those things work.
do not want to be involved in sukkah sleepover tomorrow. even with out rain in forecast.
tutoring first grader in math next week b/c she failed first math test. oy test in first grade...

Sunday, October 09, 2011

plegm and cough--still awesome!

or really not. actually sucks. debating if i should go to a doc, but no fever so assume its just viral. and annoying as hell.

its beautiful out. at coney island on friday saw many monarchs, some people doing tashlich i think, some doing mikvah, some sunbathing and i kite. was very pleasant but very cold for me in terms of sunbathing. hope to bike down there again today.

kol nidre at occupy wall street was impressive and super glad i went. many more thoughts on it later.

did not fast. did not go to shul in the am. did enjoy ne'elah.

forwarded an email to the wrong marathon and he wrote me back ? so i responded to him oops and shanna tova. wonder if he still remembers me.

reading the magicians. totally enjoying it. it's what i did yesterday. not sure if i will move onto the magician king however. of course i still have 200pages of this one before i need to decide. i will come back to the jose saramago book-death at intervals (at least until i can figure out who/what writing style it reminds me of) but its second in line now.

haven't heard from freelance guy and its giving me anxiety.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

rh in pgh phglem in my throat

i think it's the last vestiges of the cold from a few weeks ago. but maybe its new. hopefully gone soon.
it gets dark earlier here than pgh. it gets dark too early here.
did one of these urban race scavenger hunts today. was fun, esp bc had a nice day. found 5 sections of the berlin wall in midtown. if we had thought differently could have come in 2nd. stupid plublic transit move.
annoyed that i feel like i pay more for groceries than marathon. it annoys me. everything else evens out.
i have more to day. but tired. and don't want to process that.