Wednesday, February 27, 2013

sorority great grandmother--rep at a school i'd work at at jb fair

i took the sorority off my resume years ago

how to address a thank you email for talking to someone at job fair if he tells you his first name

seeing someone from religious school, but not getting to chat

doodleing and missing my stop on the train by 2, and being on the express train, needing to pay again to get to the other side

getting more into telegraph avenue, but not sure i would recommend it

worrying no one will talk to me at my own housewarming. dealing with all that social anxiety

job fair, blahs


FL was chill.
attempted to talk to my parents about brother, didn't go anywhere but when my mom attempted to talk to me also didn't go anywhere
confirmed that i do not like opera, went to one that was set up for me to love, and i was not into the singing
i do a shitty job at staying hydrated
going to a job fair today, resume not finished
some new furniture, need to get rid of other stuff.  want an entertainment center? but overall like the place
got locked in the vestibule of an apt building the other day. that was annoying.

Monday, February 18, 2013

no FL last weekend, storm freakout by airlines, but going for longer next weekend

put up a listing for our entertainment center today.  no bites.  some pretty shitty pics.  hopefully it will go on friday as we bought shelves/thing to replace it and they come on saturday.
a few more boxes unpacked.
some furniture shopped for.  sofa decided on yesterday, today found something else.  issue with dressers, either too cheaply made, not sure if part is cheaply made, or doesn't fit in the space (half an inch too long)
1 ikea trip needed, 2 if we look then come back to buy.
first attempt to do laundry-machine not in use when bikes were taken in, an hour later, machine in use.  oops. oh well not necessary, just would be nice to be done and see how much the machine holds, and how long the cycle is.  i think we will still drop off, but allows for gentle cycle etc.

worked over the weekend.  i was so not on game on sat.  much more on my game on sunday.  helped that the kids were a little younger and cuter, and more energetic, but i also had a much better lesson plan and grasp of what to do with the lame curriculum.

mr civic is so much more social than i, and is inviting so many more people to the housewarming, if he hadn't dragged me out of house on his errands (and looking at furniture) today i prob would have refreshed facebook all day.

seriously need to rework my resume for job fair.  will have new position next year,  if i stay at the same school. change.  ahhh.  even though i initiated it and am not moving forward otherwise.  also sad that the science program will go downhill.  not plummet, just down.

Thursday, February 07, 2013


between moving and this stupid virus i am pooped.

no more boxes unpacked.
living it kitchen, which is the center of our home anyway.
want to take a nap.
much to do
hopefully weather providing, fl tomorrow

Monday, February 04, 2013

it smells like smoke

but i think that might be better than the smell our old place had.

the great(ish) bookstore in the next block closes at 7, would be greater if it were open later.  definitely geared to the kid crowd.  figures.  and i bought a picture book today.

much to unpack.  not sure what to do.  need/want new furniture, also kinda wish we were using the other room as our bedroom, closer to kitchen for breakfast and bathroom for middle of the night.  in a brag that is a complaint, will need to adjust/add time to my mrning schedule b/c things are now so much farther apart and takes me longer to get from one place in apt to the next.

currently the tp in the bathroom is not in a fixed location, it moves from place to place. this is annoying. but the best place to put it where it can stay, someone who pees standing up might get it wet...

i want a comefy space in the back room to curl up.  the living room is too narrow feeling with our current furniture situation.  too much big ticket shopping/descions to be made.  as much as i make fun of my mom, i kinda want to hire a decorator for some advice.  mr civic will freak.

finally a new prepared food place in the hood after the closing of second helpings, but they don't do sandwiches.  i find this a drawback. i assume others will as well.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

sick and moving

trying desperately to pack and not get any sicker and won't be more than 30degrees for next few days.  wah wah wah will deal.  but annoying.
not doing coop make up tonight,.

place looks a little better.  bedroom is a mess.

movers not confirmed.  yikes.