Friday, May 02, 2008

when is garlic season

b/c i'm pretty much out, but i can't bring myself to buy any from argentina, that's just not close in any way. i want the csa season to start already!

very nice shabbat dinner last night. even marathon thought so about both the food and the company.

lazy day today, although went to jack rabbit and they watched me run on camera-apparently i need stabalizing shoes. who knew.

hmmm. not much else. going to barbes for the first time in ages tonight. hopefully there will be space.

and thanks the the wonderfulness and slipnslide buddy's mom i got an awesome package in the mail today.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

i love tennis

had my last lesson,
i don't know if it was all that helpful but i just love hitting balls, damn it feels good. i am doing some consulting work over the summer and getting a bit screwed on the payment front with it, but the little cash i am getting should cover another round of lessons in the fall. i need to call a couple of instructors about outdoor lessons over the summer and how much they cost.

got an ushering gig at macbeth at the tabacco wharehouse. the director and company are supposed to be a bug deal but its all about the setting for me. also ushering god's ear or something like that coming up at the vineyard-which is the easier ushering gig ever. and finally made definite plans with marathon's brother and fam to see streb. i'm assuming they will pay me back for the tickets, if not looks like there go their birthday presents that i wasn't planning on getting them

reading devil in the white city, i'm liking it. a bit more into the world's fair part than the murder part, really i'm just more into the architecture part.

coop shift tonight, i'll be missing my next one, as i'll be chaperoning 7th graders to dc. oy vey. all in the spirit of any money i can get.