Tuesday, January 31, 2006

keep bugging me to keep bugging fred

to get the tape from when i won this or that. i don't think i've peeled and eaten a banana since then. though i think i need to now bug the production guy instead of the host. sad that julie atlas muz won't be in the biennial again this year* as i didn't make it the other year.
*i just assume that even though burlesque has made its big resurgence that they don;t generally show the same artists two biennials in a row regardless of medium.

off to read the state of the union. i couldn't stand to listen to all the applause. were i doing the drinking game i wonder how wasted i would end up.

march with too many disperate agenda items in NYC April 29th

From the Shalom Center:

For the first time, an important part of the environmental movement and an important part of the antiwar movement, as well as the National Organization for Women and others, are joining to bring an end to "global scorching" and the Iraq War as well as to end attacks on the Constitution and on the poor and the middle class by the present US government.

This broad coalition is calling for a major march in New York City on April 29.

Says the call to this march:

· No more never-ending oil wars!
· Protect our civil liberties & immigrant rights, and end illegal spying, government corruption and the subversion of our democracy.
· Rebuild our communities, starting with the Gulf Coast. Stop corporate subsidies and tax cuts for the wealthy while ignoring our basic needs.
· Act quickly to address the climate crisis and the accelerating destruction of our environment.

Among the initiating groups are ---
United for Peace and Justice
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
US Labor Against the War
Friends of the Earth
Climate Crisis Coalition
Peoples Hurricane Relief Fund

Readers of The Shalom Report will be especially interested to know that UPJ has decided to refuse any further alliances with "ANSWER" in organizing any demonstrations, etc.

NB this is also the same day/weekend as the action for Darfur in DC and when I have a conference in Boston

everyone knows i'm all about holding hands

from an email convo with mickey discussing my date the other night:
"he sounds v. intriguing, as does a first date with main topic of
conversation being kinkiness. get some!
you love holding hands. cracks my shit up. remember when you taught me how to make that first move, on the way home from grimaldis. holly and rob in front of us???

oh, summer."

who doesn't love holding hands, and i remember how hard it was for mickey to catch on. to me holding hands = sleeping naked. so natural and so much better, and so much a part of me i sometimes don't get how people don't do them all the time.

slept at the homeless shelter last night. quiet night. the one i volunteer at is considered the cream of the crop. it wouldn't take that much money to build enough supportive housing to end homelessness period. it could be gone in 10 years. and its a whole hell of a lot cheaper than incarceration!

and then martin had the audacity to not have any oranges for oj this morning! oh cafe regular how wonderful and how cruel you can be...

Monday, January 30, 2006

these nativ boys all look the same

esp with the beards.
went to orchard 88 last night. yummy hot chocolate but looks very different from its review. then got a bottle of red at verlaine, and had comfy seats on the couch until we got kicked out by the reservation.
ended up at botanica sat night with people from washu that i did not remember at all and couldn't place, it was lame and i left.
oh went to smack mellon's new place on sat, i loved the group show designed to inaugurate their new space. the candy wrapper butterflies were awesome! i might start eating that kind of candy just so i can make my own.
first day of internship today-we'll see

Saturday, January 28, 2006

mazel tov carbles

congrats to eric and kim! one down two more two go and my place is secure...

the drosh (sermon) i gave last week

here are the notes from the d'var torah i gave at hadar brooklyn [i figured instead of bitching about this community i should do something to try and shape it how i'd like to see it be]. i'm posting it because as you can see it relates to the importance of naming things. a friend of a good friend (who i never met) was killed in a hit and run last weekend. i found out from an email she sent me that started out: i don't know if you've heard about hannah engle, the girl who was killed in a hit-and-run this past weekend, but she was a very good friend of mine -- part of my junior year/upper west side crowd.
.....right off the bat her name-which of course made me think of why we hear the names of victims of crimes and which crimes we hear about the names of and which we don't and why when its one person involved we are more likely to hear the name than at other times. so i'll post my _notes_ (i spoke a bit off the cuff) to give a little more food for thought:

You are a perfect sarra, of course your name is rebbecca, jenn fits you perfectly, but I really love that sarah calls you juniper.

In high school Reading the illad we had to name to epic coneventions of each chapter and naming always came up. Long lists of names. In the torah we have these long lists of names. They often serve as markers of the passage of time.

This week’s parsha begins: "And these are the names of the children of Israel who came down to Egypt with Yaakov, each person with his household came."

Why put a name to the extra’s in our story who serve to mark generations and expansions of families?

What’s in a name? Isn’t this a classic and also trivial question?

in my 3rd grade classroom we teach the value of naming things that increase out social knowledge-giving a common language so that everyone talks about the same things in the same way. in studying poetry we look at the conventions that children notice and then give them a vocabulary for them. lines repeating does not happen just in the poem that we are reading it is a poetic convention that writers use.
And we also teach to name things that affect us personally. when some is being called a name we teach them that their response to the person will have more power if they name the activity and say stop teasing me i don't appreciate that.
why does giving something a name make it more powerful, give the idea ownership to someone and also take a single experience and help to create a universal narrative?

we all have a name and possibly, several nicknames. they are taken seriously given to us at different times for different reasons. my friends as we start to have children think about the first name but also the family and how will that be delineated, how will we be a group. who is leaving who's house to create a new family, should a new name be formed. and what about the end of a generation, i wish my kids to have my last name because i feel like the linage i know will then not end with me. but what if my partner is also an only child? Trying to make meaning and in the end the choice will be arbitrary but for me it solves a problem and is something I connect to.

g-d gives us the names to call him.
This shall be my name forever. This my appellation for all eternity.
Hard to translate ehyeh asher ehyeh I shall be what I shall be or I am that I am
Plaut says that this is not supposed to be for everyone, but to answer moses’ question and that a true experience of g-d will be a very personal affair and god will be what god will be to each person. Think about all the different names of god. What are some? What do they mean?

Several years ago I was in a class where came up with our own names for god. I remember learning about the omnipresence of god when I was in elementary school and how I thought it was magical that meant that god was in all the forgotten about spaces that are otherwise only occupied by air. I had no problems coming up with my personal name for god-the space occupying the air underneath the table.

Names are arbitrary but powerful and their relevance and meaning comes from a personal connection. What do I need what is this giving to me? Think of 1000 points of light from the first bush-each of the points was a person with a story and a face and a name. They all exemplified programs or ideas in the country that he wanted to highlight. But would we have cared if he had just enumerated them in the list. Giving face with a name to each program showed the individual lives, that could be like us that were affected.

Do we know the names of anyone killed in darfur, would we act if the names of those being killed were intimate to us.

Riding the subway we are often interrupted and asked for money, I’m not asking you to think about if you give or not, but can you picture and describe anyone. I could draw a picture of sonny paine often seen on the F train. Is that I see him more often, or that each time he enters my car he states his name, proclaiming something of personal importance and showing the world who he is. I bet there are others that I come across as frequently but they don’t tell me their names to remember.

To give something or someone a name gives them a place in time and space. It legitimizes them and gives them an identity, but those names can also be changed.
Pharaoh first to call us b’nai yisrael a nation a name we will have for a long time
So yes romeo from that classic quip, you would still be the same person, but you would not be noticed by others or recorded in our history.


they came and snaked our shower drain. no need to wait two! hours between showers anymore. this news is so exciting it makes up for the fact that i had two incredible in appropriate and awkward sex dreams about the two guys who loom large in my past.

Friday, January 27, 2006

do dishes made me realize

its more than just the boys, its a lot more missing mickey and not having the presence or rock-likeness of someone there in my new york world any more. and being frustrated at not making friends in grad school. seriously do i smell?
still haven't left the house but i'm closer...lopez bakery for some ymmy challah here i come. i find it hilarious that the italian bakery that is a block closer to me than lopez and for which i often think is lopez b/c i forget where it is does know what they hell challah is, but the mexican bakery makes some of the best non-bagel city challah in the city...

i am so fucking sick of online dating

i just want to be in a relationship alfuckingready. i'm past the random hook up, not that i can't say it'll never happen again, and at this point i don't even meet people to hook up with. don't ignore me, but i'm just feeling sorry for myself. i wish mickey still lived here. move back biznatch!
i ditched the zoo today and am having trouble motivating out of my room. there are a ton of dishes to do in the sink-which for once are mostly not mine. and one of my roommates has decided that none on my stuff can live on the couch, i kinda don't get it. if i leave a sweatshirt there i come home to find it in my room, but her leaving her stuff on the table is fine. like i said i just don't get it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

human geography, its all about relationshipal thinking-the why not just where

my day today: 8:30 am job interview for next year, go to student teaching school and do a bunch of photocopying, docent at ESP and have meeting about developing curriculums/programs; two classes; check voicemail; train ti back to the slope, go to 12th ladies to pick up book and chart out stuff for tomorrows lessons.

so i had a job interview for a part time middle school science teacher job. the pay isn't actually all that crap and it would be a good experience. i do a model lesson in a couple weeks. this was the first school i student taught at which was a good experience, but i don;t think its a great school-of ocurse i could change all that!

so i've seen lots of pics of palestinians (and at other times other middle eastern and asia countried peoples) with their finger died to show that they voted and prevent fraud. why don;t we do this in the us? seriously-no really tell me. if anything you would wonder why all those people have a blue finger and maybe it would spark some questions around town and more people would get involved and vote-something that way tooo few people do in this country.

so i give out the email addy assocaited with this blog and its been found. i guess i want more readers, but then my freedom to talk shit about people gets limited. oh well i write on.

so there was a time where you could have plopped me down anywhere in france and i could have talked my way around anywhere. i wasn't fluent but i was good. 10 years later-it sucks i can hardly converse with a year and a half year old. slip an slside buddy had to translate something about psychoanalysis from french so they can give her a phd in recent american medical history-dude i couldn't have done that when i was reading camus in french.

i am so pissed that some of the pantless subway pranksters got arrested. you can be nude in public in new york city, esp as an act of art which is totally what these pranks were. it makes me want togo pantless on the subway all the time (except i can't deal with cold) and may i point out that these people weren't nude-just mearly not wearing pants.

sorry for all the typos. no time to spell check.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

things that make you go mmmm

got this in an email, nothing on either of their sites, but if its happening i'll be there

Bush's Christian Agenda
can't silence our moans


We'll be handing out free vibrators to help!

WHEN: Thursday, February 2, 2006, 8:30 PM
WHERE: Babeland, 43 Mercer Street, NYC

Monday, January 23, 2006

more ads more responses

interesting, but not surprising, how many more responses i get when the word sex is included in my ad

"Hi there. My name is Ben. I am 31, very sweet, intelligent and romantic. I am 5'10 caucasion dark brown hair and deep brown eyes and a medium build. I am very sensuous and am looking for the same for an emotionally as well as physicaly gratifying meeting. I am looking for someone with whom I can share a beautiful night cuddling, making love and enjoying each others warmth and company. I like to please as much as to be pleased. I am not into anything weird; just passionate and tender love making. Be classy with an affectionate personality. Let me know a little about you and perhaps we can get together tonight!?! "

i hate it when they shout

"about me, i would never call a woman a bitch and would never call a bitch a woman re defining revolutionary thats official"

"PS What is PGH?"

Sunday, January 22, 2006

here we go steelers; here we go; pittsburgh's going to the super bowl

this otherwise choice focused day is interrupted for this rather exciting news (not that i've watched a game in 2 or 3 seasons. but hell yeah i'll be watching next week! i'm pleased as punch that the bus gets to make a super bowl trip!

ps. from slip and slide buddy

[i can't comment i don't pay, so i can't read the editorials read em tell em about em.]

maybe you could say something about how the new york times had two
(obnoxious, measured, misinformed, whatever) editorials about roe v.
wade today, and both were written by men.

no woman is required to build the world by destroying herself

today is the 33rd anniversary of roe vs wade the landmark case that ensure the legality of abortions in the united states. i am blogging today along with many others who will probably write more impassioned or informed posts (bushvchoice.com for the list) to raise awareness and help to ensure that abortions remain safe and legal int he united states.

i know i'm lucky. i live in the upper middle class, i'm white, i'm in a liberal urban area, i'm not underage and i have a supportive family. regardless of the legality, should i find myself pregnant (for any number of reasons) and cannot commit to raising a family (for any number of reasons) i will be able to get a safe abortion, which while potentially very emotionally rough will be the best choice in the long run. this isn't now the case for lots of people in this country.

i saw a statistic the other week that more abortions take place in new york than anywhere else. the piece tongue in cheekly m suggested that they nyc visitor bureau create weekend packages to take advantage of this-hotel discounts, tickets to a show, escort to a clinic. its a thought.

when i was in 8th grade i went to a march for women's lives in DC. the trip was an eye opening experience for me. it was the first protest i went to, the first time i road tripped per se, we stayed with friends of a friend in NE dc-so the first time i experienced gentrification, the first time i ate ratatouille, and the first time i spent any time with saw a lesbian couple in action (no not having sex, but the friend's mom that we went with was in a relationship and took 4 of us kids and the couple). i remember marching and shouting that george bush had to go, i don't remember any of the speeches. i remember thinking there were a lot of people there. i remember not realizing that naral was a national organization (i had been to a roe v wade anniversary fundraiser with the same friend and her mom a month earlier that was put on by naral so i thought it was just a PA thing) and seeing all the naral signs and wondering when people from places other than PA would show up. and i remember all the slogans. the one that i stuck with me the most/made the most sense to me was "PRO FAMILY PRO CHILD PRO CHOICE" it fit then, and it stills fits my views now. i hope that i am never faced with the choice of having an abortion and know it would be a terribly stressful choice for me to make either way, but i also know that everyone's situations are different and that i don't have the moral right to make the decision for anyone else.

at the march i bought my favorite t-shirt ever. it was put out by the religion coalition for abortion rights and had a quote from the talmud. "no women is required to build the world by destroying herself"

what drives me the most crazy about the current administrations views on abortion is that they force women to have children and then provide no supportive services for dealing with that life that has been created. quality of life is important. you are not being pro life if you demand that children be brought into a world or family where there are not the resources both emotional and economic to care for the child and create and an environment that is pro child. this rings so simply and true in my head, but i feel that i am having trouble conveying rationally and passionately how important this is.

two years ago i went back to dc. again with friends, but this time my ladies from high school who traveled separately to reunite, to go to the march for women's lives, we all have different views on what choices we might make. but we all realized that it is not for us to make the choice for someone else. and that women's lives really are at stake. the march was a powerful experience for me, in that i could stand with my friends to show support for a cause that effects not just us as individuals but us as a society.

i close asking you to get involved. give your voice, time or money. planned parenthood provides excellent direct service and advocacy services. naral works on policy at the national level. both have local and national offices

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

courtesy of hollis queens circa 1983

for the movement theater class the 3rd graders are studying hip hop-old school hip hop like it was in the beginning (i taught a 3rd grader the phrase old school today, she was saying old style and i just had to catch her up to speed) so we watched grafftti rock from when run dmc was on. it was hilarious. american band stand meets hip hop. at commercial breaks they flashed up a term like chill or fresh written in fresh prince-esque script and had a definition of it. the sexy rexy guy's manager from empire records apparently got her start as a dancer on the show. the mullets were out of control. and one wanting to be so cool (and also one of the most intelligent kids in the class) and all about his boys kids said at the end "I WISH I COULD HAVE LIVED IN THE 80s" i was cracking up.

if our communication is based on phone calls, i'll talk to you next in may. but i'll be thinking of you

new semester started and i am possibly even more over committed than last semester taking on added responsibilities and more time taking projects for classes. i can probably squeeze in an email or 2 at 1 in the morning but the phone is unlikey. maybe for you mickey or aaron, or tilda but you go to bed too early or never pick up your phone. slip and slide buddy i love you. lets try and talk sometime. i have way too much to do.

there are two guys in one of my classes. a bank street miracle. if you count the instructor 3. i think this will be the best class i take. i super pumped out it, and will be an post columbus pre-1607 american history rockstar-watch out you boston history phd types. here i come.

i went to a shitty show at the knitting factory last night. luckily the talent got better as the night wore on, but the main act just wasn't so much my style-way too breathy. the opening guy was horrible. i hope he was stoned out of his mind. he looked like he wandered away from columbia's history or english ph'd program circa 1973 and needed to be told we were way past both the beat generation and woodstock. i wish i could tell you his lyrics they were so horrible.

i'm totally taking the lead on my last two days of teaching next week at the school which are my last two days of student teaching and then i start at AMNH-look at the resume cache there people.

ok must prep a math lesson and then go to sleep.
peace out y'all

Sunday, January 15, 2006

add jack grace to the list

of bands i'd always be happy to see. a lot of bands on this list are good bar bands and i saw them at barbes last night. (so nice that they can always turn into a default plan of something to do). fun, old non-poppy country and alt country stuff with heavy leaning on the very fun piano and the piano guy also plays accordion.
it looks gorgeous out. but i know its fucking freezing. ok i will pull myself out of the house.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


seriously i love talking about them, i love reading them sometimes-when they are engrossing. playing games-love it. celebrities-possibly my all time favorite, and general store/categories/good drinking game.

how does one tell ones ex that she's not prepared to see him when he comes to town with his fiance, its not that she doesn't want to, but feels she can't. nto that she hasn't moved on, but hasn't found a replacement for the role he used to play and doesn't think she can have the kind of conversations she would want to outside of that role without someone else there to fix it.

i get jealous of my friends siblings, i want all the attention. after my brother died i was very self conscious of being an only child and how everyone else had brothers and sisters and how in some cases i was so jealous that i felt like they took precedence over me. but even when he was alive and we weren't close. the everyday needs of our lives rarely intertwined, except when we went on family vacations to look at different colleges for him and i would throw temper tantrums because as an 8 year old i could not take one more tour of a campus that looked all the same and had nothing to offer me. thank g-d (not going to comment on the fact that i used the - but i do notice it, will ponder about why later) THAT whatever town wesleyn is in had a decent ice cream place not to far from campus and my dad took me off the tour to go get some or who knows how upset i would have been. but all of that is to say that i don't really get the sibling bond thing, or the being friends with your siblings thing or how they fit into one's social life.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

hey kids out there if you can deal with the ring you can handle the keeper/diva cup

just a little thought that popped into my mind.

i'm waiting for ben to post his review of the new richard maxwell show since he was sitting two rows in front of me and scribbling furiously. maxwell has his shtick-bare sets that are familair but maybe a little uncomfortable, afectless characters-not emotionless- just speaking in a very neutral and without (fuck what's the word, not indentation, not emotion, something about modulating your voice arg, email me if you know what i'm talking about) voice with sort of slow reflexes and a mix of using professional and amateur actors. this one was good, more accessible than good samaritans, but i also was a bit more prepared for his gimmick. but once you've got the gimic you are just back to hitting the big universal's in life. this one was on the place of religion and i think depression in life and the point of it all-but not the larger point of it all. (i think, his stuff is also esoteric and maybe not black and white enough for me to understand) his amateur actress was too amateur, she couldn't pull off the affect-less thing, she looked like she was just trying to remember her lines and forgot to deliver them with anything. the kitchen is a nice space to see a play and unbelievably simple to usher. i was early, or rather they opened the house late, so i got to go check out the exhibit upstairs of work salvaged from (and now being turned into art-didnt quite get it) MODERN lebanese history, esp the wars in the 70s and 80s. there were some interesting videos, and i usually hate video installations. 1) a set of tapes of the sunset that a solider took who was supposed to be filming people he was spying on another of interviews intertwined with other pieces with the lebanses guy held captive with what's his face anderson and the others from the arms for hostages deal and how shitty and racist they were to him. it was interesting to think about the bonds that are formed during captivity-he implied a lot of acts going against their previously defined sexuality's among the captives and you certainly hear about it in prisons-and how people act differently than they would 'on the outside world' another part of the exhibit was the notes on the winners of horse races that a bunch of contemporary historians would meet at the track and bet on every week. apparently they bribed the official photo finish guy to only take one picture and the bet would be on how close (short or over) the horse was to the finish line when the guy snapped the pic. what nerds! i love it!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

pilates as a sexuaL experience

went to the gym for the first time in lets not discuss, shall we. went to pilates class. how i love and hate angela-her class is serious and i'm not up to par, but it defiantly feels like a workout. there is lots of breathing involved, often lots of heavy breathing as she works us hard. i couldn't help notice today on several occasions how there was sex breathing going on, i also spent some time staring into various men's crouches. woo hoo most action i've got in a while...
ok so i've got nothing-writingwise i mean thanks for checking in who (whom) ever you are....

Monday, January 09, 2006

from responses to my CL ads

"Hey how are ya?
you stated that the guy should not have voted for bush or pataki, that i can understand cuz u r probably a hard core democrate, but whats up with the SUV??"

subject line: i'm trying to tell you something 'bout my life
"Just a short reply to your post, I don't mean it to be a dreaded one liner
(what are those anyhow?) but with all the things you listed I was wondering
if you go on the Critical Mass rides since you didn't say but it seems like
that would fit right in.

Interestingly enough I just this minute was talking one of Normal Siegel's
campaign managers about the election results; did you work on his campign as

And I could swear your subject line is from an Inigo Girls song from so long
ago, I really liked it when it came out."


"I am a Jewish republican, but I think left wing chicks are hot! I am
definitely incensed by your intolerance toward diversity of opinions, but I
also find myself strangely aroused by it. ;-) I must tell you that not all
republicans are alike. I am pretty liberal when it comes to issues like,
who is screwing who and through which orifice, and if any specific method of
screwing should have a monopoly on being officially recognized as marriage.
Personally, I am much more concerned with bigger issues like economic
opportunity, and defense against fascist ideologies that threaten to take
over the world under the guise of religion and drag us all down into the
middle ages (well, Jews they would just murder), and that is why I vote
republican! "

"is using a mac somehow an anti establishment aspiration? and why:) is it not a publically traded entity with more bourgeoisie connotation with its proprietary software and ubiquitous appeal than almost anything else. well if it makes you happy...sorry to bust your proverbial balls but this has been on my mind. anyway, im intrigued otherwise, reside in brooklyn and id like to have a conversation. im jewish too."

oh yeah

mazel tov to jessica and chad

not qualified for a job and chad just got engaged

i'm already over my sweets quota. fuck me. er right that's part of the problem.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

spinning in my head

i have lots of essays spinning in my head, or maybe they are just ideas for essays or maybe they are just some phrases of essay type language.

i think one of my roommies is cooking fish on my stuff. how do i feel about that?

i found out today on an exploration that my favorite choreographer sarah east johnson and her troupe lava have a new show! i am pumped to go see it-acrobatics and good incorporation of video and text into performance and all.

more thoughts maybe. maybe later.

oh went to hank's last night to see the randy banits. they were fun and sound a lot like the more serious songs of moxy fruvous and bnl and tmbg but they also have some funny songs going on. check em out.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


did you know the price of stamps is going up 2 cents tomorrow?
get those fancy new 2cent stamps asap people.

Friday, January 06, 2006

mazel tov

to pamster and vodka man (or maybe he's brisket man i don't remember) on their engagement in the land of milk and honey

i'm taking a not very healthy mental health day

so i had some time to waste yesterday and headed over to labyrinth books-one of my most fav book stores and i routinely forget how much i like it. they were of course busy laying out all the columbia coursebooks, which i kinda wanted to just go into a section and pick up a couple of books from a class with a cool title. i did not. i did have the feeling of you will feel less funkish and be a better person if you spend money, but spend it on something of literary merit. in these times i'll admit to be swayed as much by the cover art and book placement (like if its on one of those special-these books are special tables) so i picked up a dom delillo play [the last time i did this at labyrinth i picked up cosmopolis-hardcover-which was a piece of shit, but my faith generally says that delillo is a good writer and everyone has bad books). so now i want to gather 3 other people and read the play one afternoon. any interest. love lies bleeding. its not necessarily a happy play.

so my last three dates have been with a 33, 34, and 36 year old respectively. those are both old ages and not so old. the 36 year old just lives a very different life than me-he's on his 2nd apt that he has owned on the uws and is now thinking about looking for a bigger place (he's in a 2 bedroom). that just means we are in different financial places in our life. the fact that he was wearing suede loafers is really the tip off that it probably won't work. but his fam has a house in the berkshires and season tix to tanglewood and i'd love to be his date to his cousin's wedding (i went to high school with his cousins)

i own a ridiculous amount of underwear and i did laundry not all that long ago-i'm not out of other things-but i am out of underwear and i don't get why. maybe i'll feel productive if i drop that off today. i'd feel more productive if i got part of my paper or unit on modern china done.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

the 8 year olds are better salsa dancers than me

the brothers rosenthal have returned from antartica and saw a fuckload of damn cute penguins and some awesome seals and oh yeah they were in antartica!

here's a poem i kinda love when see in the subway on the arts for transit posters (there it is also in spanish)
by alica portnoy

I'm talking to you about poetry
and you say
when do we eat.
The worst part of it is
I'm hungry too.

Monday, January 02, 2006

camel every mile

a few years ago there was a period where i would go over to my friends' apt (they happen to live only a block away) a few times a week, some weeks as many as 5 nights out of 7, and we would sit around and talk and drink tea-chamomile tea-which they called camel every mile, when summer got closer this tangish orange drink refered to as tang would come out of the fridge as well. i would usually pass on that though. those nights hold a nice memory for me- it was really endearing and sweet.

i passed by the first place i had brunch in nyc as a resident today. i've passed by the place tons of times, never been back since bc we've found better brunches. but it was fixed priced and included a drink and felt so extravagant. this was within a month of my moving here. passing by tonight made me think about how much more sophisticated (at a minimum) and also more mature i was than half a decade ago, its kinda a nice feeling to feel older in a good way.

on a side note, my dad's cousin's husband thankfully got a good prognosis on the cancer front-a good way for his family to start the new year.

i could have met billy crystal

so my cousin's live across the street from billy crystal and she got married new year's eve and he was there and i should have been there. sounds very informal and fun-although my parents couldn't deal with the in-formalness of the wedding and i could have seen BC and new little cousins who i never met, oops.
i used to be obsessed with the fact that they lived across from billy crystal. oh well. if they have a kid maybe at the bris.

i usually hate this shit, but...

i am so all about the snl chronicles of naria rap. if you haven't see it now!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

7:30 pm and i'm still drunk from brunch-i love mimosa's

and i got to light the channukia-thanks so much s' sisters.
and most importantly refuah shlemah to s's mother in law and m's mom
and much thanks for the lat 90's music that is essential to any collection.
and happy new year and other things that i can't be bothered to write right now.
bye bye yinz
ps i gave my digits last night to someone who know's my prom story b/c his cousin is the protagonists-he's in the kid's wedding in fact.