Monday, November 22, 2010

i always miss gotham girls roller derby season

this saddens me.

intrigued by this stack magazine thing. would i be interested in it? is it worth it?

squash with parm...yummy

Sunday, November 21, 2010

that's what i forgot to write about in the last post

the white light festival...
what is it? thought was some obscure small thing, but seems to be getting a lot of press and maybe was a big deal. i missed it and am still wondering what it was.

yoga, apples to apples, who knows what else

so i've played apples to apples a couple times recently. not loving the game. it's ok, but totally not my fav. i think in part it depends who you play with. and the vibe of the crowd, which is different than how much you like the poeple. just are they literalistists about it, or do hey go ironically. i also think its best played with 4-5 people, no more no less.

went to a yoga class yesterday. all the spiritual stuff is not for me at all. but the fleiblity, strength and stretching is definitely for my body. i can't/won't get that same kind of stretch on my own and i am totally in the running for world's tightest hamstrings.

its getting cold. i am cold. i am not pleased.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

what does it mean to be happy at work

i make enough money, esp when i work in the summer and b/c i do afterschool 3x a week. i'm not "rich" and i certainly do not save enough but i live a decent standard of living and see a special friend out of pocket without completely living paycheck to paycheck-just a few weeks of the year for that.

this year i feel happy about my classes, how i handle kids, what i am teaching them, how organized my spaces are and feel in terms of content supported by the administration.

my job is kinda cushy, i don't have to arrive at a certain time (although i certainly stay late to ensure i can arrive later than others). i have plenty of time to prep, chill, check email, and be away from kids during the day.

my main issues come in wanting to be appreciated and holding everyone else up to the standards i hold myself--even if i don't reach those standards at all (um 1 main reason i have special friend). and also wanting to have friends at work and be able to hang out. with the departure of az girl (who was leaving the school anyway) i really don't feel that. and it brings up all my stupid awkward general social anxieties.

fridays are esp hard b/c my schedule is so empty. i have no preps and am done with all formal responsibilities at 11:15---so what do to do for the rest of the day.... and then we get out early, so how to fill my time on my own.

basically friday is my least favorite day of the week these days.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

so much of my sctick is about being lonely and not connected to friends

so why don't i do a better job of keeping in touch....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

wave hill. so pretty.

nice walking around there today.
got some things done afterwards-being a consumer--thank you debit card and quick trip to the gym, but i didn't do any abs which kinda makes me not feel like i went at all.
need to make some cards
my uncle's b'day was today. first time i have called him in YEARS. he got a pacemaker put in the other week and they found a mass somewhere, possibly brain, and he may need surgery. kinda scary. wish his kids would contact him.
have i mentioned how stupid i think the howard stern show is, and they are serious, not at all ironic in how obsessed they are with themselves and think how great they are and how self referrential they are. BLEH!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

found my atm card

never really looked so hard for it...but almost 2 months later, its good to have again.
surprisingly decent breakfast at iris and oak and lovely walk through the cemetary--leaves in full color, so nice out in general.
think i am going to be lame and take a car to greenpoint but i'm sort of running late.
marathon has seriously goten a life, or at least involved in a couple things, that are leaving me to fend for myself and entertain myself.
went to the morgan yesterday, the library is just amazingly impressive. the lichtenstien exhibit was cool, i was more into it than my companion. but the twain one was hard for me to get behind. yes its cool that these handwritten documents exists, but having never read anything they were a part of (and actually having never read any twain) it was hard to be like oh yeah let me look at these documents
went out for dinner instead of shabbat. not my favorite.
likely going to israel next summer. not sure how i feel about that. it will be a family visiting trip and damn tickets are expensive. also i need to learn some hebrew if i want to speak with anyone for those 10 days.
if i can work over president's week then i feel a lot better about the price of the ticket, but that's an if that is a little bit out of my control if i want to work at the museum.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

this is getting ridicuous

what you say?
mainly my lack of motivation/lazyness. dude i haven't even vented here in a while.
things to comment on but i won't...
-how much i sleep and not get out and do anything
-marathon's farm festival
-school year going well in terms of my classes
-all the small insects visiting our kitchen
-the lead content of nyc water now and how much water will now be wasted (if people/we even follow the recommendations)
-tour of the coney island overhaul shop and tower
-sad progression of my hand stand ability
-special friend's maternity leave and the timing of it
-daylight savings time and why we don't have it all the time

made a squash soup last night, it was pretty decent. we have a squash we aren't sure about that is huge on our counter, need to do something with it, have had it for a while. i assume it will eventually just be composted

wonder whatever happened to the st louis 2004 plan or whatever it was.