Saturday, March 07, 2015

Good riddance to bad rubbish

Finally made a clean break in my mind with the boy.  The last straw....he called handstand class silly. He clearly doesn't know me at all and was being a jerk in the way that even came up.
Held a 12 hour old last night.  So cute.  And fragile feeling.

Listening to the radio, they say the high for today will be 32 but then report the current temp as 36, wouldn't that make 36 the high?

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

I want to be rescued, and yet here I got an offer and it makes me want to punch the person

havent heard from the rabbi in ages.
I don't get why I can't just fucking leave the baby alone.  All he does is disappoint and not communicate.
Work friend pissed me off so much today.  But it's funny he offered to rescue me essentially and the offer makes me want to punch him and run away.
Winter blahs. Again could be worse, but I spend a lot of time not taking care of shit and solely hitting refresh in my email and dating site shit.
Bleh bleh bleh