Wednesday, June 26, 2013

should not have looked at the calorie count

last summer i fell in love with this frappacuino thing in israel, preferably from a particular chain.  so it appears that the chain here in nyc may have this and when trying to figure it out before deciding to take a field trip there i looked at the calorie count, YIKES.  but maybe as an end of camp treat.

camp is fine, but hard and long, i was so not into it during recess today.  2 more days and then a break.

need to do a handstand today.

Monday, June 24, 2013

some things

1) did i ever say my ultrasound was fine and this is now back in category of non event for me?  i bring this up after hearing a friend will be starting chemo soon for her breast cancer.  my age.  yikes, stage 2 but still caught early

2) camp, bleh  at 2:30 was forced to decamp to a different room for the week bc we didn't have that space reserved and a wedding needed to be set up

3) big band can be awesome, went to see former coworker who is sax player and big band leader.  wish i could see him more

4) weighing this being in conflict with my brother at the time of his death leads to my issues with conflict in relationships now thing, big breakthrough of last special friend session

got carded tonight, but not actually asked to show id, i said i was turning 35 in a month and she walked away.

a.  240th st yard.  cool info, same stuff we've seen, guy was so focused on telling us about safety
b. mini-golf at brooklyn crab. $5 felt steep for 1 round at a bar.  rained out of kayaking from valentino pier in red hook.
c. super want to go to balaboosta no 8pm reservations for a while
d. feel like mr civic and i haven't talked, even about non consequential things in a while, of course i am writing this while he is off prepping for bed

other stuff?  likely?
bed time.  yes.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

small punch in the stomach

they turned off my work email at the old school today.
1) i am shocked they actually got around to it.  so many things they never got around to...
2) it also means its totally formally over. and hope i got everything i needed.
i will get over this but its a shocked.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

year ended well

nice teaching moments, all info documented (in a way that made sense to me), reports eventually written, nice words said to me.
feels like graduation, sad but ready to move on.  nervous to be a first year teacher at a school, to learn my material and figure out what it means to do constructivist math, with no teacher guide.  but overall a challenge i am looking forward to.
chill trip to pgh this weekend.  quiet.  avoided thinking about my relationship with mr civic and talking to my parents about my relationship with them.
did go to the avaiary.  got serious tan lines from 30 minutes of tennis.
thinking about buying an ipad.  and or maybe a new laptop or getting mine fixed?  unclear.
why are plane tickets so expensive?  yikes.