he can dance modern ballet for me anytime.
last night we went to the ballet which was doing a tribute to paul simon (i have previously seen them do a tribute to sting which rocked and wanted to come home just to see the tribute to not john coltrane but the jazz guy from pgh who collaborated with the guy who wrote the A train song. help me out here people). in any case, there had been a while where i was seeing lots of modern dance and was kind of sick of it. i wanted clean fluid, flowing lines and simple stories. but that was a while ago.
i had a hard time classifying a lot of what i saw last night, during the first piece set to paul simon's music, as ballet, certainly it was not classical ballet-it was gorgeous don't get me wrong in any sense. i guess it was modern ballet. the women were all on point.
its amazing how gendered dance becomes, esp in the use of point vs bare feet and different costumes given to men and women and the
it was really interesting, esp for the first peice to see what a difference lighting and costuming make. in this peice the costuming seemed to be designed to reflect the lighting. and the lighting added so much more, it wasn't a static thing that was set at the beginning or even at the beginning of each song, but changed throughout more with the music than with the dance but also with the dance. would the work have been so impressive if they were all in pink leotards on a simply lit stage or rehearsal hall. how much of it is the dance-just the choreography and execution of the dancers, and how much of it is the performance-the gestalt or sum of all the pieces together. and then how much is the dancers, and their abilities? my hero-definitely a great dancer, defiantly wants to be a star, and definitely has a personal style different than others. again it was very clean, but also very angular.
how do composers or choreographers work? how do they see all the different movements of different people simultaneously in their head? and then how to lighting people come in and turn it into a performance, and then how do the choreographers know that the lighting people won't make it all distracting and fuck up their visual. and i get how you script out lighting cues, but how do you write down choreography-esp when multiple people are doing different things at the same time, even if they are close-maybe even esp if they are close?
oh and the ava maria piece, which was much more 'traditional' or i guess classical is the correct term, was incredible. it was two dancers and the grace, agility and strength of the woman was incredible. at one point she was on point with her legs spread and knees bent (imagine a rectangle being made with the floor on the bottom her things as the top, and from knees to toes as the sides) for what must have been 30-40 seconds, and she didn't waiver at all. beautiful and incredible.
i also has some thoughts about the universality of things and was taken made to consilence-edward o wilson's book that says there is some unifying thing for everything in the universal some smallest common denominator. and i could see so much of the paired dancing-which involved a ton of lifts being done or naturally leading into figure skating or more so ice dancing. just how one medium totally influences and is influenced by another and maybe they are all trying to express the same thing in different forms.
i also think that people of color might be the best term we have but its a bad term, b/c it defines an other. people of color as opposed to people without color. and because you don't say people without color (and i'm sorry but there is pigment in my dominant culture skin) than it is just implied that its the standard to which you are comparing. does this terminology get switched around in se asia for example where people without color are the other?
this also came about from noting that the principal for this show was a very muscular, shorter than i think of male ballerinas, person of color. except that i can also say he's japanese, which necessarily implies the person of color part, but kind of elevates the status by not just giving it a generic label. (but maybe this is all very obvious)
oh and one more thing. my high school health teacher/the football coach-witt- was sitting in front of us. i gasped when i saw him there.
other things:
about my house. i tell this story all the time but it cracks me up to no end. when my paternal grandmother moved into an assisted living place my parents sold her apt and took a lot of the stuff for our house. including these matching jars for flour,sugar, coffee, tea. they are old school. dl would love their look. my grandmother used them for storing those exact things. now we never had these jars but we had all these items which had their own places to be stored (in different locations in the kitchen from each other). these jars are now just being used totally for display and the sugar jar we have (b/c its not kept in the bag) sits right next to the labeled sugar jar. i don't know why i get such a kick out of it but i do. see my lack of love for change comes from somewhere.
my maternal grandmother officially moved into a nursing home a couple months ago and my parents also cleaned out her apt, but she's lived in a studio for many years so it was a lot less stuff. mainly they just exchanged our lamps for her lamps and added a table to the landing on the stairs. but now the 'den' has three lamps and 7 windows as it apparently became the light storage place.
my parents now have a wireless modem for their dsl. woo hoo. don't worry they still don't have a dvd player or cordless phone. hell for some reason half the time they don't even have a working phone.
yesterday was dad day. today is mom day. i still need to do my homework for tomorrow, and ask about going to ireland this summer. damn dollar being weak.