went to some of first thursdays in dumbo last night with chill. we got a drink and a bite to eat at pedro's first. she hasn't previously thought the place was authentic, she was proved wrong and had a hard time believing that the food service looked so much less sketchy than the last time i was there. their ghetto outside seating also used to have charm, now its just fairly ghetto. and disconcernning pointing to some fucked upness in society and consequences of gentrification, a boy of about 9 or 10 who i have to assume lives in the projects in vinegar hill was just walking past us and asked us if he could have a dollar.
apparently like the rest of the city, the galleries in 111 front are full of israelis.
i seriously do not understand how the gallery business model works, esp for small galleries. are galleries essentially agents, do they sell the work that is on view, how do they afford to pay rent on the space let alone feed themselves as well. with the bigger name ones like goagsian i guess i get it a bit more, but like the big monet show that's currently in chelsea at one or several galleries i think, i'm pretty sure that almost none of those works are for sale so what's the point/how do they make money?
in any case chill and i were particularly taken with one of the artists, hilary lorenz, who did mostly woodcut and gouche painted on top of the prints. and part of me was like why not. i have that much in my savings account (and have some other expenses coming up in the fall and someday would like to own some property) and i really liked the painting and i like having art. it wouldn't be an investment, there is no way i could assure or assume that it would ever go up in value. while chill said she would get one if i did, i pretty sure she was counting on me not going through with it. the artists smaller and more in my price range stuff, i just didn't like as much. i mean i liked it too, but i couldn't imagine looking at it for years and appreciating it. and somehow its almost easier to spend 1800 including tax than 250 or 700.