finally a productive day/ ps 1 how i missed you
i am passively very annoyed with my roommates over their changing the furniture and redecorating in part b/c its change and in part b/c they didn't ask me. but they took down a piece of 'art' i made a couple actually but one i am particularly attached to and did not rehang it anywhere. and i kinda hate some of the stuff they put up.
i didn't make it to smileys to get my free shots this holiday season or the park slope barber for the beer. oops. in some ways this holiday season has passed me by and that's a ok.
was sitting in james turrell skyspace installation at ps1 when it started sleeting. that was pretty cool. ut then i left b/c i didn't feel like getting sleeted on and i got a piece in my eye when i was looking up through the hole.