Monday, January 31, 2011

baby steps

baby steps towards better handstands
baby steps towards keeping it in check
baby steps towards getting my life in a state i want
however i do need to find an id STAT (or really by thursday)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


old rivalries.
new circumstances.
different locations.
need to get over it.
and also step up to the plate.
b.c certainly i've been lame.
oh social media and the drama you can bring into one's life when you don't mean to at all.

good day. yummy brunch. crazy retail participation and contemplation

roebling tea house=yummy brunch and not sooo loud as it seemed when we moved in
spacecraft--disappointing as craft store, but like the drop in and craft idea, def more kid oriented than i thought it would be
essex market-meh
economy candy-he was like a kid in a candy store
new museum, into the exhbit, george condo (i think) i find totally cool
best buy-we are getting a tv way bigger than i want, where will it go?
crate and barrel-don't even get me started on registeries and buying gifts from him. my man was blown away.
hoepfully we make cookies tonight.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

today was the day

i called, but no wonder there was no answer. got an email a few hours later with adorable pics.

spent a few hours watching baby tv today-10 month old. so freaking cute. so much work. overwhelming.

did some stuff today, not some others. going out tonight-like real people with lives or something. hope i stay awake.

felt class starts on tuesday.

this train inconvenience sucks.

to call or not to call

keep wondering how the end of pregancy is going for a friend. it was (still is if she's not in labor) overdue. why don't i just contact her? i don't want to bother her on one end. and am nervous on the other. and feel far away from her in the mainly.

i have kinda a crazy week coming up, including discussion my future employment-what it will look like not whether it will occur- this week. i want to come to that discussion prepared, but i also have no idea what i want to say. i want a new challenge but what...

to do laundry or to drop it off. reasons for both. not sure what i will choose.

this no F train thing is super annoying.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

am i too suspcious

an old storied friend/acquaintance who is apparently a facebook friend of mine just started chatting with me randomly, for the first while i was fairly suspicious, as in is he trying to sell me something or get some random piece of info out of me. now i think he's just saying hey, but its a lot of time on a not very interesting conversation.

snow day was ok. sadly didn't really play or hang with marathon. had to go into manhattan for a meeting that i got rescheduled away from 9am this morning. need to find my id for that place of work soon, well by next thurs, but it's a must find and i have no idea where it is.

i do wonder what's up with slipnslide buddy's birth process and if when labor is.

hot chocolate today at brooklyn commune. yum.
the park was super pretty to walk through!
and now i've done nothing but refresh facebook for the last 2 hours or so.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6 word memior for today?

didn't go to pilates, ate cookies. 6 words but not quite the way to describe my day
hurting shoulder, wasting time at work. kinda, but not so specific
ok, i give up on this.

volunteered to cover early bird tomorrow. hopefully it will give me time to plan for the afternoon.

oh to find out people are younger than me. esp when they look older than me, which given my lack of make up is not hard at all. but also when it seems like what they have done, and what have i done. blah blah blah.

amazing how music can make or break performance piece for me.

where is marathon? only worry b/c he's on bike and this means i need to make dinner

Sunday, January 23, 2011

should we go to the coffee and tea festival

cool or lame?

we have started listening to this american life. my mom used to call the show "weird stories" i agree in some ways, but also kinda awesome.

i really need to make some doctors appointments. its a big deal, but i also need to deal with what they represent in some ways.

went to the met for the first time in a long time. got there pretty late so only got to see what we went to, but at least we got there. the photo exhibit was interesting, its amazing the ways in which photos can be manipulated and at all the different stages. wish i understood the chemistry of photo developing more. there was an exhibit at the moma a couple years ago on the history of technology in photography printing/developing methods and i wish that i had bought the catalogue, i was going to eventually one day but then i lost my wallet that day i think...

landlord coming into our apt when we are gone to fix sink, wonder if it will actually be fixed...and how much do we need to clean--not much as its 10pm and we are just about to eat dinner...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

i fine jonathan schwartz's voice super annoying

those of you who read this (maybe i've written about it) or know my inner thoughts (not sure how often i say it out loud, but maybe a lot) know that aesthetics are often what is most important to me and acoustical aesthetics are no exceptions. if someone's voice bothers me i am going to be inclined to want to wring the neck of that person. i know not very pleasant, but sadly true...

finally a normal day yesterday. houdini exhibit at jewish museum, which was good but not very deep on any topic, so maybe a little dissapointing. zabar's for the first time for marathon-he wasn't so impressed. some errand running and a social event in the evening. woo hoo.

we will finish a puzzle today. a hard one.i think satisyfyingly hard. what to do with it? it is pretty and could be nice to hang--more money more errands--but also looks like a puzzle and is taking up a ton of space.

Monday, January 10, 2011

the picture of the AZ shooter on front page of is FREAKY

what's with the smile?

pretty good handstand class tonight.

want to work on the puzzle but i can't-sad.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

why is it so hard to be in decent touch with my parents?

hmmm more than 6 words, but there is something there.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

i'm back. still with headache

2 alieve and puking later and i still have this damn thing. but feeling better and made it out of the house. introduced marathon to record store/antique taxidermy (multiple of which i want)/coffee place. he loved it. score for me. and i got out of the house and to the atm for my bank. double score.
sad that i can't work on the jigsaw puzzle while i wait for him to finish his coop shift.

there is a good rant somewhere about how shops that sell nothing, i mean you can't possible imagine anyone buying anything in the shops they obsteibly have items for sale are like the dot com bubble of the late 90's of dot coms that didn't actually do anything. more and more of these shops are popping up in gentrifying neighborhoods, but only certain ones. and while i would love to live a curated lifestyle or have my apt look as curated as these shops do, how in the hell will they stay in business and make the terribly high rents that these neighborhoods all demand and by demanding have pushed out shops that actually sell goods people want and/or will buy. now i'm not totallly talking about galleries or high end stores where the question is who can afford this...there you at least understand that if they sell 3 3,000 coats they can make some cash. its the smaller shops that seem to be stocked with goods from brooklyn flea. that's another question where these shops and vendors and antique etsy dealers get all their stuff that they then triple the price and sell back to us.

i wonder this also at a time when i have decdied to get rid of/am contemplating getting rid of a couple things that no longer fit my asthetic and have not been put up in the new apt. they are still in fine condition, and even seem like things i might find in these shops-how to i get money for them. in particular a blow up scream doll and a guiness on oil cloth wall hanging. and actually due to the small size and sentimental value i'm not sure i'm actually getting rid of either of these. but certainly it would be stupid to throw them away when they are in good quality but who wants them.


ouch. and puke. and still ouch, but not as bad.
but 4:30 and i haven't done anything today, not even much internet surfing? where does the time go....
wonder if we will get our deposit back on this place since we are not so much taking care of the floors and definately drag our furniture around. also the painting we did. which for the most part was needed or makes the place nicer, in the bedroom we totes ruined their decor... oh well.
there is a leak in the faucet in the sink. the landlords don't care. eventually they are going to rip our out toilet to do with the major water damage issues they have. (that they also seem not to care about) they ill have the plumber deal with the leak then. until then there is a lot of wasted water going on. we have a bowl in the sink and collect the water to flush the toilet, but it's such a serious waste.
i am watching my man attempt to hang a super annoying to hang frame. 8 months later we finally hang stuff/get rid of some crap.
oh headache please go away.
off to new coffee place.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

thinking about starting the 6 word memior/story thing/ hopping on the bandwagon

2011: no trains, more exercise or wasted time?
hmmm not so awesome. we'll see.....

Sunday, January 02, 2011

today's big leaving the house adventure

after waking at noon, was going to a very lovely crafting afternoon at a friend of a friend's. got some work done on the bridal shower invites. but not enough. and still don't have details down...

going back to work tomorrow. did nothing of the little that i wanted to over break. and still don't have a voice. slowly getting better.

the big question is do i go to my lava class tomorrow. have not done anything remotely athletic in at least a week and still a bit congested, but need to move for multiple reasons and i will be so much more motivated for the rest of the session if i go for the first class. but i also don't want to hack over everyone...

ps does anyone read this?

Saturday, January 01, 2011

marathon is also concerned about how lame we are

he say the spark is missing. i'd agree. i'm super complacent, and also defensive and dont know how to get it back.

went grudgingly to see fireworks last night. i really believe less is more. i'd rather watch 7 minutes than 15 minutes.

went and took some pics of the polar bear swim. it was nice when we got there, but cold when we left. saw a student, his parents went in not him, although apparently he's done it before.

changed the sheets on the bed. woo hoo.