so a few months ago, due to my own stupidity i lost my favorite necklace on an airplane. i totally forgot about that until right now when it would be the perfect thing to put on with my outfit and i don't have it. now i have no good necklace (i know boo hoo) b;c i'm not sure if i should wear my pearls (again boo hoo) bc they look like they have started to yellow.
i'm sad i was such an idiot about that necklace. i walked around in shock for a while as i realized that it was gone and filed a report, and put an ad on CL but nothing. arg.
and i hvae no decent makeup or way of putting it on, ie lip pencil totally dull and no shrpener. why can't i be bothered to care about these things, but then at times i do care, proving my not caring is just another way to make myself feel bad about myself.
i am going to be wearing this strapless and padded bra for a long time today, it will either meld with me or soon be quite uncomfortable.
but congrats and mazal tovs to the steinstines on their happy day