Monday, January 28, 2013

noticing positive differences

Today I did arm weights on a machine that I never could have a bunch of years ago.  I still can't hold a hand stand or stick a kick up but i am stronger in my hand stands.  A ways to go, lots to get frustrated about, but I am making forward progress.

not on my hamstrings though.  they hurt too much to even try.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

a plus for illustrations f for content

I finally bought the new Selina Alko B is for Brooklyn Book.  I love her illustration style.  Love it.  and this book has more of why I love her.  But the "text" (it's an alphabet book so just lists some words) and what parts of Brooklyn are included bother me.  It reads totally true to my experience of Brooklyn, and the experience of most brownstone and related areas of Brooklyn (which is going to be most of her readers) and how that experience is portrayed in places like the NYTimes.  But it is not the experience for the vast majority of Brooklyn residents who will not see themselves or their neighborhood represented. missed opportunity.  there is an author's note and map of brooklyn that alludes to these. sad they aren't included.

brunched today.  first time in a long time.  nice place good food.  but sat next to open kitchen and over was hot.  can only imagine how cooks felt

Saturday, January 26, 2013

aerial yoga made me a little nauseous

but i think i will go back.  hopefully more hydrated, which will hopefully help.
closing scheduled for thurs.  my parents have to come in from florida (buying tickets a week a head of time and without any winter clothes) to make the bank happy.
when to move, immediately, or at the end of the month, will the coop let us move  on the weekend?  i hate the idea of having to ask permission.
and my parents coming in will screw with my excersize routine.
got offered my same summer job for this summer.  i tried to get a new position but she said no.  annoying, but it is what it is.  money vs boredom.
its super pretty out, even if cold.

Monday, January 21, 2013

talked to the artist

things i'm thinking about...
talking to mickalene thomas at her exhibit yesterday
slipnslide buddy's reaction to the exhbit
my inability to drink more than a glass of wine without falling asleep
having no idea how to rework my resume

this was started yesterday.  but now i am listening to inauguration (wish i had tv right now) and just found out we are not cleared to close. also found out we can't (maybe, unless we ask nicely) move in week days.  i am having some serious push back to people telling me what to do, wish i did have special friend this week.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

wish i could put this on facebook. if i had more of them i would write a book, but i don't

my email:

I'm just writing to let you know I did not receive payment for 12/17.  Sue said she would drop off a check at school, but I did not receive it.

I look forward to working with Noa tomorrow.


Mom's response:
Hanks Lisa, we'll have a double for you tomorrow.

Of scotch that is :)

Sweet dreams,
last name
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

yep. while i think in general she is harmless, she is also so not my kinda person.

went to a pilates with the ball class today.  bouncing was weird.  don't think i will be going back.
hmm.  had more i wanted to say but at the moment it eludes me.
to shower or not to shower. current conundrum.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

still no closing date

to discuss:
annoying bank
serious ping pong players
opus 7 2 one acts, one great one slow as hell
improved robotics club
paying for movers
missing picture books