Saturday, April 20, 2013

birds today

2 red tail hawks
great egret
black crown night heron
green heron
yellow rump warbler
wood thrush
white eyed verio (at least to hear)
blue jay
tree swallow
palm warbler
yellow rumped warbler

i think maybe a couple more.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

why do i always owe state taxes?

I am actually fine paying taxes, possibly even more state taxes, i just don't get while multiple years running i get a couple hundred back from the feds and owe NYS about $87 (i think the same amount years running even though my income is different every year...)  shouldn't it work out that i get money back from both or owe both?  i know there are different rates and all, but there are computers that can figure this out.

thoughts to share

sofa choosing fiasco, not a fiasco but too many choices for something that shouldn't have too many choices. and doesn't matter in the larger scheme of things.

the whale exhibit at amnh,  they clearly imported it from another musuem, i assume out of new zealand but they didn't provide any context for us americans/new yorkers about the random maori stuff that was included.  i only did a brief walk through but i'd go back.

crocuses.  tee hee.  although i think it is cold today.

interview/model lesson friday.  so not ready.