Once I actually left the house today it was so lovely. Good special friend session, kinda bummed a that I won't have any for 2 weeks.
Got my bus ticket printed for only $2.45
And had an awesome trapeze class. I was the only 'advanced' student and they totes have me special treatment like 2 chances to catch, which I needed. But caught my second trick, and learned a 3rd which I spectacularly failed at, but that.s ok. Only 8 people in the class and some long explanations meant that I got to fly lots which was cool, and it did not hurt my pulled muscle at all, doubly awesome.
Then I went to check out the four freedoms park on Roosevelt island, so nice and pleasant and beautiful day.
Then I got my toes painted with a color I.ve never done, buti like it. Decent coop shift. Must show and clean and pack.
Good to have good time out of the house