Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blum beast

Took a trampoline class at a parkour gym in bushwick today.  Crowded ass class, but a decent amount of time, ESP for only $18.
Many thoughts on new job, but apparently can.t form them
Will sleep well tonight

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

good trains, bad food, new job, not doing enough prep, will be fine and my ass will be kicked

amish country was pretty and has a great train to ride and tour to take.
scranton train ride not worth it, but steamtown was
weekend of horrible food but good to be away.

2 days in, feeling my way around.  not sure of what to do, but will be fine in the end.  my schedule is annoying but fine.  my shared "office" is still being painted and made so no good home.  that's my excuse.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

So nice out today

Once I actually left the house today it was so lovely.  Good special friend session, kinda bummed a that I won't have any for 2 weeks.
Got my bus ticket printed for only $2.45
And had an awesome trapeze class. I was the only 'advanced' student and they totes have me special treatment like 2 chances to catch, which I needed.  But caught my second trick, and learned a 3rd which I spectacularly failed at, but that.s ok.  Only 8 people in the class and some long explanations meant that I got to fly lots which was cool, and it did not hurt my pulled muscle at all, doubly awesome.
Then I went to check out the four freedoms park on Roosevelt island, so nice and pleasant and beautiful day.
Then I got my toes painted with a color never done, buti like it.  Decent coop shift.  Must show and clean and pack.
Good to have good time out of the house

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Facebook post no one would want to read...

Can take a measure of humidity in my apt by how long it takes dishes in the rack to dry, humid days, much much longer.

Kinda glad trapeze is cancelled, kinda super bummed

I have this weird pain which i.m assuming to be a pulled muscle under the middle of my rib cage.  Wasn.t great during trampoline yesterday and I think would be bad for trapeze. So this weather thing works well, but I am still in the house and mr civic left for Israel and I.m all feeling lonely and hard to get motivated, oh right that is how all summer has felt

Saw fame, the original last night.  That movie would never be made today. No character development, no consequences. But was on the beach and except for the dampness a nice place to sea movie.

We rented holy rollers the other night.  Could have been interesting but the music and the mood lighting kinda drove me crazy, you can pass on it.

Friday, August 09, 2013

probably should have gotten a stich...

but 22 hours later i think it's a little too late
but the pain woke me up in the middle of the night, or something woke me up but due to pain, and the woundupness couldn't fall back to sleep.

next day.  probably good that the trapeze class was cancelled, don;t think my finger could have handled it.  don;t want to take off bandaid and look at it.

tried to talk through somehting with mr civic last night, that didn;t go well.

went to BBG today.  saw many pollinators, multiple bee types (maybe wasps too) so many butterflies of varied species, a couple cool birds (should have brought binocs) but so many pretty things esp in the herb/vegetable garden.  the artichoke flowers oh my!  so pretty!

now rain, and unclear plans for the evening as a result.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

quick recap

feeling better, although i have a cold more annoying than anything else. but a little fuzzy headed.
still haven't done any prep work for new school.  yikes.
milwaukee was a good trip.  a very nice time away and pleasant place to be.
2nd trampoline class was awesome, although my neck hurts today (hurt after last one too)
maybe a little beach trip today.
balaboosta was a little disappointing but a decent place, probably has a good brunch.
gotta go get my eyes checked for reading glasses