Tuesday, January 17, 2017

things i'm thinking about today

When parents or students contact me because there were or will be absent, they only care about getting the missed homework-not the missing work in general and not the classwork that will inform the work-then what;s the point of being in school.

my desk at work is a fucking mess.
must by swiffer stuff today.--my cleaning person doesn't seem to do floors. maybe i don't have the write stuff for them to actually get cleaned.

no time to keep writing. if i will go to this shiur.

ok. off.

Monday, January 16, 2017

the dog that lives in my apt just shat in my room

while i was fucking in it.  behind the gate he stays.

and i need a plumber for my bathroom sink.

ditched silks last night. havent done anything today. not good (but did go to a fake pilates class today and out yesterday afternoon)


Sunday, January 15, 2017

10 months later....

I have some thoughts i want to write down, and maybe share, but don't feel facebook worthy esp in this time where facebook is all political or cute things (which is as it should be).
i hope to restart my gratitude journal. i never knew what to write-i felt like i was writing things i was proud of myself for--like going to the gym this am. (i wish i was able to motivate myself more at the gym. i need classes to do things. there are things i am capable of doing and know would be good for me, but i just wimp out without someone else telling me to do them.-yes i stretched a bit more after class today, but seriously bare minimum and none of the handstand stuff i wanted/intended to do.) but going to the gym makes my mind feel good now, and is definitely an investment in the me of the future.

3rd of 3 dates this weekend today. first was a nice drink, but no match. last night was nice guy, but not that attractive. funny but not vivacious. if he asked me out id go out again, but doubt a third time. here's hoping for this one. none of em jewish of course. do i care? kcr got in touch with me on friday-throws me for a loop.  why was i falling in love with him again?  was it just good sex?

listening to the radio yesterday there was a guy who was trying to buy souls from atheists.  is the idea/concept of a soul really just a religious idea. can one not believe in god but believe in a soul? i couldn't get over my questions over the conceit. do all religions even have a god? (i should know this from my high school comparative religion class)

more thoughts.
shiprecked mini golf was fun, but pricey.  we'll see when one can sit outside with pizza and beer.
also now state liquor board won't grant  liquor licenses without substantive food. no more dive bars can be created. sad.